Originally posted by rivka:
Originally posted by KSaraSara:
[b] Our network isn't secured. blush
I love staying next door to people like you. wink

(Translation: That's not a problem, if you don't mind every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the neighborhood or driving by using your connection.) [/b]
HAH, ditto. If I ever knew who had "default" I would so bake them cookies. The second time I moved in Georgia, my pothead roommate and I didn't have internet for a while. We broke down and got it last month, but whoever had "default" was my hero! For the time being, I haven't password-protected ours, and it hasn't been too cluttered. I'm just like, I've been there, man! I feel the need to share the wealth!


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy