Hi Dundan smile

Do you think you could edit the size of your new avatar? In the Picture Posting FAQ , Annette explains:

Is there a size limit for posting pics?
Not really, but please use common sense and keep them small enough so that a person using a 56k modem can load them quickly enough with no problems. Usually with a file size under 100k and not the image size of your monitor please. <g>

Avatars, the small pictures that show under a user's name, are different and are limited in size. They should not be any wider than 75 pixels and no taller than 95 pixels.
If avatars are any larger than that, they tend to take up too much space at the side of the screen.

If you don't know how to resize it, or have nowhere to upload a resized version, contact our resident Avatar Doctor, goofy Elena, at elena@lcficmbs.com - she'll be happy to help you out.

Wendy smile
Boards Administrator

Just a fly-by! *waves*