I keep hearing everyone talk about IRC. I really have NO idea what IRC is or how it works.

OK, what I think I do know it this: you use IRC to go to a chatroom called #loisclark and chat.

Here is what I don't know:

1 - What do you chat about? Specifically, is this mainly a continuation of discussions here on the boards, or is this a place to get to know each other and discuss other topics of interest, too?

Supesfan wrote in another thread:
OK, I downloaded mIRC, configured it fine, connected to Undernet servers A-OK and logged into #loisclark with the appropriate password
This brings up my next set of questions:

2 - Where do I go to find this "mIRC"?

3 - What is "Undernet servers" and how do I connect to it?

4 - Once I've downloaded "mIRC", and connected to "Undernet servers", is it going to be self-evident how to log into #loisclark, or am I going to be coming back here to ask you that, too? (Being that I've never used a chatroom and have no idea how to log into one.)

5 - Where do I go to get the password?

6 - OK, I know this is a stupid question, but I've been brave enough to ask all my other questions, I might as well ask this: Do you all use the same name on IRC that you use here? If not, how do you recognize each other?

Well, thanks to anyone who can answer these questions! smile

- Vicki

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster