I use the Google popup blocker on my PC's. For my Macs, I use Apple's web browser, Safari, which has popup blocking built-in.

While Google is good, it often blocks popups that I want to show up, like preview and such. Safari, on the other hand, has the finest popup blocker I've ever seen. It seems to recognize which ones are ads and which ones aren't. All the popups here come up just fine. But I've seen hide nor hair of any ad popups, EVER!

Somehow Safari figures out if a link directly causes a popup or indirectly causes one. I've yet to see a popup I don't want to see, nor have I failed to get a popup I do want to see. Amazing!

Too bad Apple doesn't port their browser to the PC. If they did, bye bye Google bar.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin