Okay, since someone else asked a how-to question that has nothing to do with this board...

I was carrying a stack of books in my arms, tucked against my stomach, and there was a pen in one of the books, and it didn't have a cap on it - let's just say that there is a heavy blue ball-point ink line on one of my most useful white (cotton) turtleneck shirts. Since I'm plus-sized, and most Korean women are *extremely* petite, it's very hard for me to get clothes here that fit, so I *need* to get the mark out. (Read - I have an extremely limited wardrobe here, so I have to make the most use out of what I have. And it's *expensive* to have my mom always sending me clothes from Canada!)

What should I do???

Melisma (disgusted with herself, here under her Rock)

help help help

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda