(Note: Not a discussion on *the* media, i.e. news, but formats of pieces.)

I thought about this when I was forced to watch the movie "The Lake House" a few weeks ago (which I still maintain that I guessed the ending for within the first ten minutes) and came to a realization. The storyline itself is fairly good for a chick flik, other than the fact that they tend to beat you over the head with the point and drag it out WAY too long. I think it's mostly how it was made that made it so unbearable(and the actors-- not the best combo with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves). I think it could have been made into a short film, or even an animated short, and get the same message across without grating on their audiences. (And in fact, I might attempt a re-creation of sorts to that end. And it won't involve any talking.)

But it got me thinking about the way we present our stories. Even Lois and Clark, if it were presented with the same actors and same time frame and plot and everything, but in a movie format, it wouldn't be the same. Fanfic kind of allows us to toy with that concept, but otherwise, as much as I would love to see Dean and teri on the big screen, it was most successful because of its serialized format (even though we all would love it regardless).

So I got to wondering what other shows/movies/books would work in another format. Everyone knows books are usually hacked to death in movies, but again, there's a reason for that. A good example I think of the difference between even books and television is the show Castle and then the Nikki Heat book series that spun off of it (I suppose the books could be adapted into any form, but I could picture them best in the form of a feature film).

What have you come across? Any stories where you felt this would make a great movie/show/etc.? Or for that matter, any fanfic that you wish could be adapted into an actual episode or movie format to better depict it? Just curious. cool

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain