In the spirit of unity, I thought I'd create a thread for those who love America - which is most likely anyone who exercised their right to vote. I love our Freedom and sometimes need to be reminded that people who disagree with me on political issues care just as much about the issues. I do feel as though this country is getting more and more divided and my sour attitude definitely doesn't help the situation. So for what it's worth, my apologies to all who were offended by my post in the wallowers thread. This is such a great online community and I love that everyone is so thoughtful and considerate of each other. I don't hope Obama fails - I hope he succeeds in all his endeavors to improve this country. He loves it as much as I do. And like others have mentioned, what a privilege to have the freedoms we do.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw