I think People really are that crazy or that stupid. How can they pick a guy whose not fit to be commander and chief when he left a bunch of his own people out to be slaughtered In Benghazi? And his economic policies are abismal. I live in one of the worst economies in the country and it won't get better until the rest of the country turns around. There's huge construction projects some that cost over a billion $ just abandoned all over the city partly finished. I've got several coworkers who are so upside down on their houses that there's no point to keep paying on them and none of the banks with all of obamas new regulations are willing to work with them on refying so they're just walking away.
My health insurance costs have already gone up so much in the previous 4 years thanks to Obamacare that I switched to the cheapest plan my work offers which doesn't cover my sons doctor and I just pay his visits out of pocket. It's cheaper than paying for the insurance that would cover his doctor.
I'm considering leaving the country for the next 4 years just so I won't have to be a part of this mess. Plus I think the experience would be good for my 2 year old. He's at the perfect age to pick up another language and I could use some refreshing.

I have several family members who voted for Obama because they thought Romney would just use the office to line his own pockets since they believe that's all that Bush did. While that may be true, I don really know or care, at least his had a vision to put the country on track and exercise some fiscal responsibility and I don't see him giving orders to stand down when american lives are in danger. Obama will jut spend us into the ground and make the world forget about Greece while the middle east falls further into chaos.

"You're better at this than I thought," she told him.
"At what?" Clark looked up at her quizzically.
"You didn't think I could lie?"
~ Sue s. FB