I've read a number of the books on this list - more than I would have guessed - but I'm not re-reading "Ethan Frome." It's depressing and joyless with a terribly unsatisfying ending for anyone who isn't a complete cynic. There are no heroes, no good guys, just a bunch of people who either steamroll the other people in their lives or just kneel in the steamroller's path and let it flatten them. I can't recall any humor from it at all.

Aside from that, it's boring. That's a fatal flaw in today's publishing world. Rory should have read "Podkayne of Mars" or "Glory Road" by Robert Heinlein instead.

But I always loved the snappy dialogue in this show. I wish that kind of patter would just flow from my fingertips. I can't imagine writing a script a week that snapped and crackled with energy like that. I miss that show.

And yes, I'm a guy! So pass the snark and pop some more popcorn. If I see it on reruns, that's where my remote stops and don't bother me until the last knife gets twisted in someone's emotional center.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing