*Tiptoes onto minefield, coming out of a deep, deep, DEEP lurking hidey-hole*

It's amazing that it took this topic to bring me out of lurking to comment, but it did.

I'm so sorry to disagree with so many others on this topic, but I'm so happy to agree with Artemis:

We really enjoyed this movie and I thought Andrew Garfield was awesome as Spidey. He had more of a Spiderman look. I enjoyed the plot and the cameo. I rather liked the plot. And sorry, but I liked Gwen Stacy.
I'm right there with you! I've seen all 3 of Raimi's Spiderman movies and I never was just in awe or blown away by them but that's probably because I grew up watching the Spiderman animated series in the early 90's on Fox. Tobey McGuire isn't one of my fav actors and while he did a decent Spiderman, I didn't care for his Peter Parker, too weak and dorky and mealy-mouthed for me. Andrew Garfield's Spiderman is witty and amusing, but it was his Peter Parker that I fell in love with. He is geeky in an adoring way to me and more in line with computer-geeky, smart geekiness.

And while I'll admit to loving Mary Jane Watson in the animated series, I didn't care for Kirsten Dunst's portrayal of her. I don't know a lot about Gwen Stacy's character but I loved Emma Stone's portrayal of her and to me, the chemistry between the two lead actors was palpable and left me wanting to see them together more, whereas with Tobey's Peter and Kirsten's MJ, I wasn't just dying to see them together. (Yeah, it's all about the romance for me - so sue me!)

Particularly enjoyable was the fact that they had Peter Parker "out" himself to Gwen. And what better way to do that when you are a geeky teenager and can't get the words out than to web her in the butt, 360 her, and plant a *ahem* nice kiss on her. *giggles like a high school fan girl*

And I liked the web cartridges, but again that's probably because in the animated series, he used the cartridges and that's what I liked and was used to. The soundtrack was enjoyable, as well, especially the romance track. And I liked the plot, the Lizard was the first villain that Spidey fought in the animated series that I watched when I was younger.

I think one of the main things I really "appreciated" about the new Spiderman was that they took more time to make his webslinging "believable". Sometimes when Tobey was webslinging, I was thinking in the back of my mind "um, what exactly is he attaching that webbing to, to achieve that particular angle or swing". Sometimes there just really wasn't anything nearby that physically would have actually worked for the telemetry of one of his swings. I thought they handled that part of the movie more accurately.

Anyway, I'm not alone. My husband and a bunch of my friends and his friends (ranging in age from teens to late 30's) all liked it really well (some of them seeing it multiple times, myself included).

Okay, and now I'll slink back into my hidey-hole. Please don't tar and feather me!!!



Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.