So I'm hanging out at the little league field for the 50th time this summer, and there's a little boy about 4 or 5 years old running around wearing a Superman t-shirt. I don't know what he did, but his mom made some comment like, "I'm going to call you Mr. Belvedere. That's your name, right?" Of course I chimed in with, "His name is Clark, can't you tell?"

Well, the kid gives me a really weird look, which I figure I deserve. His dad tells him, "She means Clark Kent. Do you know who that is?"

The kids shakes his head "no".

"He's Superman," I supply helpfully. The kid just shakes his head and runs off.

Well, after about ten more minutes of shameful eavesdropping, I figure it out: The kid's name really is Clark. I guess that's why someone bought him the t-shirt.

This *is* my happily ever after.