So I talked to someone that made a couple of suggestions for my annoyances...

(1) About the opening scene... he thought they were implying that's how the engineers made the humans - by drinking some stuff that broke down their DNA, etc. Maybe trying to explain revolution or something from a tiny little amoeba. It's a stretch but could explain why they were really focusing on the DNA in the opening sequence and why he didn't just get back on his ship.

(2) About the engineer not dying in his space ship in the chair where we see him in Alien when the Nostromo crew enters... he made a point that it was a different planet. I did notice at the beginning that it said the planet was LV-223, not LV-426 like where the Nostromo landed. He thinks that there were multiple planets that they were doing these 'experiments' on and multiple ships. Or maybe LV-426 is the home planet or something. It is still kind of dumb that they would make a prequel for a movie franchise that happens on a completely different planet than the other movies and doesn't connect the two at all. But the different planet names does make me wonder...

All my other complaints still stand though. Maybe there will be a Prometheus 2 that will explain even more and suck even less!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw