Originally posted by Tank:
There was no logical reason for Superman to leave earth for five years. Especially since he didn't discuss it with Lois before hand.

Obviously he'd slept with the woman, so they had a strong relationship going, yet he just left without a word.
I wish they would've bothered to tell us to make sure we'd seen Superman II before seeing Superman Returns so at least it would make slightly more sense. I came out of the theater going, "So wait -- they slept together? And how does she not remember this?" Here I thought having seen the first Superman movie and having a pretty decent knowledge of the comics would be enough; nope.

I like SR, although if I had my way, I'd make some changes to it. It's one of the only movies I own that I've considered actually doing that to -- making my own version of it for personal viewing. Cutting out a bunch of the Lex stuff and adding in a few of the deleted scenes off the DVD extras.

I know the SR tie-in novel goes into a lot more depth and makes many things more clear. Part of the film's problem was that they kind of left out some really important points and put into too much crystal-growing. Oh well. I hope the new Superman movie will kick some butt and make things all better. smile
