The trouble with 3D is that to justify it films exaggerate depth and have things hurtling towards the audience. That's fine if you're OK with 3D glasses and like action movies, but a lot of people are marginal with the glasses - they're OK if there isn't too much depth to the 3D image, and don't need to change their focus too rapidly, but run into problems getting their eyes to converge if things get too extreme.

I have no plans to buy a 3D TV or go to see them on a big screen because I get motion sick after about 30 seconds of that sort of thing. I suspect that when all the sums are done it will turn out that 3D isn't making much more money than 2D - but film companies will continue to push it because they want people to go over to BlueRay, and that's currently the biggest difference between BlueRay and DVD.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game