I just came in to post on this if no one else had.

Before DT came along, when I was a child, Sarah Jane, the Brigadier and Tom Baker's Doctor represented the Golden Age for me. It was, in fact, the only time I really watched the show. I still have very fond, nostalgic memories of their adventures. Those Egyptian mummies still send shivers down my spine to this day.

It's a testament to Elisabeth's vitality and youthful energy that when I heard this on the news my immediate reaction was to think, "No - goodness, she's too young." When the scrolling news bar said she was 63 a couple of seconds later, I was amazed and then, of course, immediately on the heels of that thought came the, "Well, of course she was - she had to have been if she was on the show back in the '70's!"

Yet, she never seemed to have aged for me. Still youthful, still beautiful. Still the Sarah Jane I knew and loved back then.

What a sad loss. RIP, Elisabeth - you've left a wonderful legacy in the minds of children all over the world.


Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers