Leela, this story continues to completely amaze me. You have and continue to do such a wonderful job capturing both of them, and in such a way that it makes their dialogue (including their interruptions and stuttering) and inner monologues extremely believable and in character. I love this. smile1 The part with the caller ID and how it's ruining teenage dating was hilarious too!

I liked that she is feeling aware of her appearance, and she very realistically examines the contradictory facts that she wants to look more attractive, and yet doesn't want to attract male attention. Poor thing.

You are doing a fabulous job of showing her slow progress, and how well Clark is doing at giving her space and trying to see things from her perspective. I'm also glad that Clark was able to let her know that he entered her nightmare when she first came home, and I really liked her reaction to that news.

I really look forward to the next part, Leela. laugh You are a marvelous writer.

Vicki smile

The world is made up of three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.