Originally posted by Tank:
Actually, Dean made an excellant Clark Kent, his Superman was only so-so.
Clarification accepted and agreed with. I agree that his Clark Kent was better than his Superman; but his Superman was passable, and his Clark was, IMHO, better than any other Clark I have yet seen or heard (This includes Bud Collyer, George Reeve, Christopher Reeves, and Kirk Alyn). Although George Reeves Clark was believable, Dean's was just so much more personable.

The two things that disqualify Dean for such a role in a major movie would be his age (he's in his forties and that would never do for the movie franchise people); and his height.
His height isn't insurmountable (so to speak)...If they can turn tall men into hobbits and dwarves, it wouldn't take a whole lot of movie magic to add a few inches to Dean's height.

His age would be more problematic as far as the folks in La La Land are concerned. However, the topic for this thread is "who do YOU want to be Superman" (capitalization as in thread topic), not "Who should Hollywood have as Superman" I agree that Hollywood would never hire Dean for the part, but even so, he's who *I* would like to have it!

Tell you what, Tank...If people can play fantasy football, we can make a fantasy movie! If you let Dean be Clark/Superman, I'll let Teri be Lois -- she can even have short hair. Deal?
