We’ll be driving from Michigan to California in October and I’m looking for suggestions of cool stuff to do on the way/while we’re there. I lived outside of LA for 3 years going to school but I never did much tourist stuff and I’ve never driven these routes so I’m not familiar with the attractions.

The last time we were in California and did any sightseeing was right after the Northridge earthquake so, while we were able to tour Hearst castle and Solvang, we also ended up in downtown Hollywood at 2:00 AM due to a detour.

On the way out we’re taking the I-80 route to northern California (Berkeley). Then we’re going to southern CA—via either the I-5 or PCH to spend time with my mother. We’ll be heading home by I-40 and I-44.

My wife wants to see “San Francisco”, the San Diego zoo and the St Louis Arch,. The last two aren’t a problem but my idea of seeing San Francisco is to glance west as we drive south on the I-5. Any suggestions would be helpful. (Nothing particularly against San Francisco by the way, I feel the same about most large cities.)

We think it’d be cool to go to the Laura Ingalls-Wilder museum in Missouri but that and the Gateway Arch are the only things we know we’d like to do on the way back.

Any suggestions would be welcome.
