Farscape, for a true sci-fi fan, is the most intense, grab you by the eyeballs, heart, mind and whole being experience. I hope they didn't get my soul because the series did get very dark at times. Aeryn and John are acted in such a way that you have to remind yourself you're watching fiction. Ben Browder and Claudia Black give these performances everything they've got and the characters seem to take on a life of their own. The rest of the cast is amazing as well.

The angst is hard to take because it all seems so real (and yes, there are animatronic characters and it's still going to get to you). I actually watched when it first ran, stopped watching because I couldn't stand the angst, and finished watching years later on DVD/internet. There are some episodes I still can't make myself watch, knowing the synopsis beforehand.

In the end the story is ultimately satisfying, hopeful ( a recurring theme), and well resolved. To get to the resolution you have to watch PKW, which takes the place of the planned, but never filmed, last season. I wish they had been able to film it in a 5th season version, but PKW gets the job done.

Farscape is not for the squeamish. It will engage you and astound you. Get ready for an impossible ride.