Saw it finally. LOVED it. I kinda felt like they were moving too quickly though but they did need to cover A LOT of material in just a couple hours so...

The fight scene was awesome. Some of the things they changed up for the movie I actually liked better - they always make Bella less annoying to me than the books, Rosalie is a little more bit**y than the books, Edward shows more emotion than the books, etc. I LOVED the proposal scene! Almost made me teary. And I was LOL on some parts like when Edward drops Bella off at the Quileute lines and Edward and Jake are having their little stand off w/ Bella, and when Jake said he was 'hotter' than Edward. Pretty clever. I wanna see it again!

Anyone know when BD is coming out? Or if it's true about it being split into 2 movies?

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw