The father of the bride giving away his daughter is very English/American tradition. Remember Earl Spencer giving away Diana. We don't think of it as turning over "possession" like the daughter is property, but a sign of approval of the marriage as you indicated, Ann. Victoria went to Brown University in America, so she probably saw it a lot there.
From what I read before, Daniel only new Swedish and the court muck-de-mucks despaired of him every being suitable for Victoria. Saying part of his vows in English probably was to show them he had learned other languages.
They had the coverage on morning TV here today. It all looked very beautiful.
Thanks for the pictures.
In the current issue of Majesty Magazine, there is an article about an earlier marriage of a German princess to the King of Sweden in 1774. If you go to this link: you can see a picture of the current king and queen on their wedding day. Victoria is the total image of her mother. Hedwig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp was the one who first came to the wedding in the barge - a very fancy barge - they have copied for all the weddings since.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis