Much as I like to watch Portugal play and Christiano Ronaldo's ball skills my dad is of the opinion that he is a ball hog in that he wants to be the one to steal the glory from all others. This presents a problem for the rest of the team because of many wasted opportunities.

What marks players such as Lionel Messi of Argentina and David Villa of Spain is that inspite of their brilliant talent they recognise that football is a team sport and that there is no I in team. From all the games I have seen so far both Villa and Messi take a chance on goal when they see one, but they also create chances for their team members which to me marks them as better players overall.

Personally I think that Germany will be too strong for Spain given the way Germany overpowered Argentina in that quarterfinal.

According to my dad, since the top two South American teams were outplayed by The Dutch and The Germans respectively, he thinks that it'll be Germany vs The Netherlands in the final with Germany taking the title.

If Germany do win at least Australia losing 4-0 to them in their opening game is not that big of a blow. Though that being said I think given that Argentina lost 4-0 to them the Socceroos can probably feel better about their loss given that Argentina is a far more superior team than that of Australia. Not that I don't love my home team, just that I've been watching football long enough to know that the South American teams are in a class all their own.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller