I can point you to a few books I used in grad school when I wrote one of my papers on English churches during WWII (how random):

Campbell, Louise. "Coventry Cathedral: Art and Architecture in Post-War Britain". Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Cobb, Gerald. "English Cathedrals: The Forgotten Centuries". London: Thames and Hudson, 1980.

Avery, R. “War and Pieces.” Canadian Geographic. 118, no. 7 (November/December 1998), 78-80.

I can't tell you what religions a lot of the churches were, but a ton used stained glass because during and post-WWII, people ran around looting the stained glass out of the bombed out churches for safekeeping and memories. Great Britain actually had to pass a law to prevent people from transporting stained glass to other countries.

Not to be the grim reaper, but something else important I suppose is good luck finding a church during WWII. Such an exorbitant number was destroyed...


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy