Okay, I've made it back from partaking of the new Chicago Comic Convention C2E2.

Overall it was a good time. The con ran fairly smoothly and it looks like an event that has a great deal of potential.

It's fun for me to attend conventions like this because it gives me a chance to touch base again with a lot of friends I've made in the industry over the years.

It was a treat to join in on a conversation with Jim Shooter, who has found his way back into comics as a writer. He's a very engaging man and I look forward to his guest stint at our local convention coming up this May 15th and 16th (had to get that plug in there).

The highlight of the show for me was being able to score a really neat piece of art.

As some of you know, I'm somewhat Lois Lane obsessed. I not only like Lois as a fictional character, but I collect Lois. I have all the comics, I have the slurpy cup, the Burger King car, and other pieces. For the last several years I have also been collecting art and conventions sketches featuring our favorite reporter.

Not having a lot of money this year I wasn't able to go after some of the bigger name artists. I was lucky to run across one of the main artists for the Archie Comics. He graciously consented to do me a convention sketch. I asked him if he could do a sketch of Veronica as 'Lois Lane'.

It turned out great. I wish I had the technical know how to post an image of it, but unfortunately I don't. For those who are familiar with Archie Comics and the character of Veronica Lodge you would definately recognize her, but for any comic buff, with the classic Lois Lane bob and that knowing look, it is also definately Lois Lane.

It's a really nice piece, and it was affordable.

Tank (who sees that he has a lot of catch up reading to do... goody)