Now you really need to understand why two teams of astronomers were looking for distant supernovae in order to learn about the evolution and fate of the universe. Well, they did it because supernovae of type Ia are so-called "standard candles", whose brightness is almost always more or less the same, and which can be recognized over vast distances because of their distinctive light curve. When astronomers find a distant supernova of type Ia, they can know how far away it is simply by measuring how exactly how faint it appears to be and compare that with how bright they know the supernova to be. The difference between the supernova's measured faintness and its known intrinsic brightness is a measure of the true distance to that supernova.

Just like stars and galaxies, supernovae have spectra with spectral lines. These spectral lines will be redshifted. By detecting and identifying spectral lines in the supernova's light curve, astronomers can determine the redshift of the supernova. (If you don't remember spectral lines and redshift, read this .)

In more nearby light sources, like moderately nearby galaxies, redshift can be directly translated as the galaxy's current "recession velocity", its current "speed away from us". But that is not necessarily the case with distant supernovae. The reason for this is that redshift doesn't measure a galaxy's current velocity as much as it measures how much space has expanded since the light that reaches us from it was emitted.

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Albert Einstein visualized spacetime as an elastic sheet, in which massive bodies make indentations. The expanding universe can be imagined as this sheet growing larger. The light emitted from light sources that are being carried away from us by the "growing sheet of spacetime" will have its light "stretched" by the growing spacetime.

A supernova always goes off at a very specific moment in time, and the light it emits starts fading after a few weeks. The light it emits therefore always originates from a very short period of time. How much the light from the supernova is redshifted is a direct measurement of how much space, or spacetime, has expanded and "stretched" since the light was emitted.

Ah, but the redshift of this supernova doesn't tell us how far away the supernova actually was when it exploded. It doesn't tell us how much or how fast space itself had expanded before the time when this particular supernova went off. It certainly doesn't tell us if the "rate of expansion" of the universe has changed since the supernova exploded.

But a precise measurement of the actual distance to the supernova, which can be done by measuring how faint it appears to be compared with how bright it is known to be, will tell us exactly how far away it is.

Now imagine a supernova which goes off in a universe where the "rate of expansion" has remained perfectly constant. In such a universe, the redshift and "velocity" of the supernova corresponds exactly to the actual distance of it, because the "velocity of space itself" has never changed. But imagine, instead, that the universe has been slowing down, which is what the two teams of astronomers who were looking for supernovae had been expecting to find. How would that have affected the appearance of the supernova? Well, it would have been unexpectely bright!

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(This is a picture of a comet, not a supernova, but I just thought I needed a picture here to lighten things up.)

Why would a supernova look unexpectedly bright for its redshift if the universe was slowing down?

Frankly I'm not going to make a too detailed argument to you about this, because there is a nagging aspect of it that I really don't understand myself. Suffice it to say, therefore, that astronomers insist that a far-away supernova in a decelerating universe will appear brighter than it would in a universe where the expansion rate is constant, let alone a sujpernova in a universe that is accelerating.

My problem is that when I try to figure the whole thing out, my mind insists that a distant supernova would look fainter than it "ought to" if the universe was slowing down. But the entire astronomical community have been over the results of the two supernova teams with a fine-toothed comb, and if the faintness of the distant supernovae and the corresponding unexpectedly great distance to them was due to a decelerating universe and not an accelerating one, then you can bet your boots that one astronomer or another would have caught that glaring mistake by now.

So instead of confusing you by calling attention to the thing that I don't understand myself, I'll just repeat the astronomers' argument:

If the expansion rate of the universe has changed, then redshift can't be used as a reliable distance indicator to far-away objects. Redshifts tell only half the story, and you have to measure the exact distance to far-away objects with a known intrinsic luminosity and compare that with their apparent luminosity as well as with their redshifts. That will tell you not only how far away the distant supernova really is, but also how the universe has expanded before and after the light of the supernova was emitted.

Astronomers say that if the universe is slowing down, then the distant supernova will appear to be "too bright" compared with the distance that is indicated from their redshift. But if the universe was to be accelerating, which everyone would have thought was a total impossibility before the "supernovae redshift teams" presented their results, then the distant supernovae will appear to be "too faint for their redshifts".

That was the result that the two teams were getting. The universe wasn't slowing down. It wasn't even expanding at a constant rate.

It was accelerating.
