To tell the truth, I found English to be the easiest second language to learn. Conjugating verbs is so simple, there is only one article rather than having to know if the noun is male, female or nothing.
I agree. My first language is portuguese but apart from english I've also learnt spanhish, french and an infinitesimal bit of german and italian.

English was by far the easiest to learn. The grammar is simple enough once you know how to apply it, and even though I still have punctuation issues and hesitate a lot before I write some words because I'm not sure about the spelling I manage most of the time.

There are no such things as ´,`,¨,~ or ^ to place anywhere (whereas in french you're lucky if you can figure how many of those fit in a single word (I don't know what to call them in english confused ) .

Conjugating verbs is so simple, there is only one article rather than having to know if the noun is male, female or nothing.
That is also my opinion, Natascha smile

Turned to the waiter and promptly ordered a "batata torta", which, in Portuguese, means "crooked potato", while potato pie would be translated correctly as "torta de batata" (pie of potato). The waiter probably thought he was crazy until the friend corrected the order

My dad always told me that to learn english you had to talk backwards. I never realized untill now how literal that could be...

Granny Weatherwax: 'You've got to think headology, see? Not muck about with all this beauty and wealth business. That's not important.'

Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett