Many people found significance in the Doctor's glance to Sylvia and/or Donna when Wilf asked who she was, thus implying it could be Susan.
Being just a casual watcher, I'm missing the connection here - what's the connection between Sylvia/Donna and Susan? This sounds intriguing. I wondered when watching if there was some significance to her saying 'I was lost long ago...' - does that have any relevance? I know zip about Romana or Susan, so probably not. laugh

Donna was disappointing for me, too. They've really boxed themselves into a corner there, though. Obviously she couldn't recover her memory or there'd be no reason whatsoever that she wouldn't continue travelling with the Doctor. Like Rose before her, I doubt a fiancé would be enough to keep her on Earth and in the mundane world. And certainly not a minimum wage job.

They did try to imply, I think, here and there that she had changed, that there was something more in her subconscious that retained a memory of what she'd become with the Doctor, but really I didn't see much evidence of it and that was sad. But, still, she got a slightly better ending this time than last, so I just have to be content, I guess, with that.

Part of the my problem with Eleven is that I don't think he's very good-looking. He has a weird face. Shallow, I know, but, you know, sue me. goofy But I've seen the trailer for 2010 and have to admit it all looks interesting. I like the look of the new companion and I'm glad they've brought one in. The lack of a companion was something that really disappointed me through the specials, it has to be said.

LabRat smile (who's been inspired to break out the S1-4 boxset she treated herself to for Christmas and has been thoroughly enjoying S1 again so far....)

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers