I loved it. I thought they stuck very closely to the book this time. Things were sped up as they must be in a movie, but nothing important was left out and nothing crazy was added. This one seemed to be a lot less cheese-heavy in comparison with Twilight (other than that stupid frolicking in the woods bit that you mentioned, Steph. As my sister said after the movie, "Vampires should NOT frolic!" Seriously, the entire theater about died laughing at that part. Do they not screen these things for audience reaction?! They should.)

So many things about this one were better than Twilight. The sparkling was more effective, the coloring of the movie didn't make me feel like I needed a coat the whole time (that constant blue tone of Twilight makes me cold every time I see it), the vampire eyes were way cooler, it was just far superior.

And yeah, Jacob...it felt so wrong to want to go "YOW" every time his shirt was off because when they would close up on his face, I couldn't help but think, "aww, he's just a kid!" A kid with rock hard abs, but a kid just the same.

- Lauren

There's a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive, wormhole refractors. You know the thing you need most of
all? You need a hand to hold.
~10th Doctor