My daughter loved the "Twilight" series when it was first published, but then she started noticing some of the plot holes, like the mismatched number of chromosomes between vampire and human and Bella's wimpy inability to decide on a guy and other things I should remember because she's ranted about them so much. She also gets angry because Stephanie Meyer supposedly dreamed the original story and just set it down without using anything like a beta reader or a fact checker or, apparently, without checking it against the Tropes page.

And she hates the whole "sparkle-pire" thing that Edward does. Not her favorite series.

Surprisingly, she does like some of Meyer's other works. "The Host" is one of them.

Anyway, not all US teens are salivating for the 20th of the month.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing