Someone I know posted this - it's a stinker...

An explorer in the jungle is bitten on the leg by a venomous centipede. He knows its bite is very toxic and possibly fatal if it is not treated quickly. His native guide tells him about a Christian missionary hospital several miles away and they immediately head for it. As the poisons in the bite take effect he starts to feel delerious, one of the first symptoms.

They make it to the hospital in time and the explorer is met at the door by some nuns who whisk him into a hospital bed. The nuns are familiar with this type of centipede and its bite and they reassure the woozy explorer that it can be treated but it will take several days before the danger has passed. The nuns busy themselves cleaning the site of the bite, dosing the area with medicinal powder and then bandaging it up firmly. As the explorer drifts in and out of consciousness he is faintly aware of the nuns tending his wound at intervals. When lucidity returns he finds a nun removing the bandages again and cleaning the bite area. After a few moments she stops and waits, leaving the wound exposed. He wonders why she's not finishing the job.

"Excuse me, but aren't you going to put the powder on my leg?" he asks.

The nun looks offended. "Oh no, I'm not allowed to do that. Another nun dusts the bite."

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game