Hi, guys.

I'm just posting to to let you know I'm not at the boards very much because I'm at the hospital to treat preeclampsia. I was very well until 6 months but from 30 weeks on I started swelling and my blood pressure is higher than usual, so I must stay at the hospital until the baby is born. She was expected to November, 13, but she must come earlier because of my blood pressure, maybe in the beginning of October.

I'm well, just keeping an eye on my blood pressure and taking meds. The baby is growing and it's good. I won't be on boards very much during this time because I'm using the hospital connection and I can't keep walking around very much. :rolleyes: But we'll appreciate all your prayers and good thoughts. Please, pray that our baby keep growing and my blood pressure doesn't go higher. grovel

I'll try to keep everybody posted. Don't forget us on your prayers and thoughts, please.


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15