I have to be honest, although I have come to think of myself as a writer (I can remember vehemently denying this, and certain FoLC friends bugging me about such denials, lol), I don't write in the L&C fandom. I've got one L&C WIP that probably will stay that way for a very very long time. My muse hasn't touched it in ages.

Otoh, I am actively working on a fic for X-Men movieverse. More than one, though they're in the same ficverse. However, X-Men doesn't have the same sort of community and helpfulness that this fandom does. Although I *could* indeed ask for help on questions I have (and have), when it comes to the factual NON-canon-related questions, answers are sparse and questionable in quality.

So here is my question: Would FoLCs here be opposed to answering questions just because the fic's for another fandom, or would you all be fine with me asking stuff I don't know here?

Don't point. You make holes in the air and the faeries escape.