As captain, I'd choose Jean-Luc Picard, though I think Riker would make a better captain if he ever had the chance (not counting the Titan books since they were never part of the TV series).

As first officer, I'd choose Will Riker as I think he'd make a better captain than Picard. Riker DID beat Locutus.

As science officer/support, both Data and Spock are almost interchangeable. I think in the end, I'd go with Spock. And Data doesn't work as well with Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock. wink Anyone who doesn't understand that last part needs to watch The Big Bang Theory <g>. You're missing out.

As comic relief, I'd choose Worf since he makes the perfect straight man. Data would as well but I think Worf has the edge.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin