That is so, so evil Labby. I'm so sorry that happened to you. mad Heck, yeah good you found a different dentist. Normally I am anti any form of violence to a tee but in this case...might have been tempting at least to have told the so-called dentist off. Though I'd probably have felt trapped myself by his sheer meanness.

This is sort of related but a horrible memory I have of a doctor's visit as a young kid--even then I was terrified of needles and back then there was no such thing (at least I don't think there was) as topical creams...anyway during one visit the nurse announced it was time for my blood draw. You can guess my reaction. Anyway, she ended up getting angry and threatening to have her young daughter (I think the daughter was younger than I was at the time) who was with her that day at the office help hold me down! I am sorry, I was so tramatized by the needle itself that it never even ocurred to me to either run out into the waiting room, where I'm sure my Grandmother (who probably had brought me) would have told that "nurse" a thing or two or even to stood up for myself but I didn't. smirk

Sort of amazing that despite that it's my dream to become a doctor myself. Though I intend to do all I can to not come across as a scary, supposedly all-knowing monster.

That was off topic. blush I wish healthy teeth and good doctors, worthy of your seeing them on all folcs. Until we figure out the Superman-factor and don't need them that is. laugh
