<Wrenches shirt apart to reveal...>

...a seriously confused costume! confused :rolleyes: laugh

My scores were:
Superman 85%
Robin 74%
Spider-Man 70%
Hulk 60%
Supergirl 59%
Iron Man 55%
Green Lantern 50%
Batman 45%
Wonder Woman 39%
The Flash 30%
Catwoman 25%

I think that kind of makes me like one of L&C's sons in a series of fics that, for the life of me, I can't remember the name of -- or the author (sorry... sad ). The one in which one brother became the Crimson Superman and the other one took up the mantle of Robin -- but with some helpful super-powers.


Ping! Ping!! Ping!!! -- Mother Box
She's such a chatterbox at times...