Labbie's thread and making a CD of some of my favorite 80's and other upbeat tunes, to cheer up a friend gave me the idea of doing a CD trade similar to the Secret Santa Holiday cards we did in December. I thought blank CD's are fairly inexpensive and (to me) getting a sampler of someone's favorite songs is a fun way to get to know them.

Would anyone be interested in doing this? Maybe we could even try and aim it for April like "April Folc's (or even friend's) Day" I never cared for April Fool's Day. Off the top of my head the only stipulation other than, of course, the music needing to be upbeat, positive, and fun, would probably be (unless other noted, of course) that songs weren't of a religious nature.

Any suggestions? Takers? smile If so, I could try my hand at organizing this.
