I know there are some Doctor Who fans here, so thought I'd mention that a few of us are nominated in new fic awards being run for that fandom, the Children of Time Awards . Those nominated are Kaethel, Dave and myself, and we're all nominated in the Doctor Who (new series) section.

If you're looking for some good DW fic to read, the Children of Time awards might be a good place to start! The awards are divided into a number of categories: by character, by pairing, by type of story and by length. Just one warning: I know some people here prefer not to read slash (male/male or female/female relationships), and there is a fair bit of slash in the Who fandom, and even more in Torchwood given the primary on-screen relationship there is male/male. For New Who, if you want to avoid slash it's sensible to stay away from the Jack/Doctor category (except for Atonement, which is a brilliant story, set post-Parting of the Ways with Jack and the Tenth Doctor and can easily be read as friendship-only), and exercise caution in the Jack Harkness category. Any story links going to LiveJournal will have headers which include summary and warnings. For links going to Teaspoon, the main DW fic archive, click on the author's name at the top of the story on Teaspoon, scroll to the story and read the summary and any warnings.

Just one comment on the nominees list: although nominations have closed, this isn't the final list yet as it's being tidied up according to rules about maximum nominations per author and stories more than a year old (it's not like the Kerths!).

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*