I'm always amazed by how many women in L&C fandom are caught up in the Doctor Who series.

Except for an implied but unrealilzed attraction between Billie Piper's Rose and this last Doctor, the show has never really been know to have any real romantic overtones.

There has always been a female companion, but it's always been more of a one-sided admiration type of relationship.

I came into Doctor Who with Tom Baker's Doctor, and also saw a lot of Jon Pertwee, and have to admit that I've always been a big fan of Sarah Jane Smith. But, for all the years that they were together, you never had any feeling that they were ever going to get together romantically.

I also would think that the goofy sci-fi nature of the show's general plotlines would be counter to what many of the romance-minded folks who frequent this board would generally enjoy.

I know that Superman is inherantly sci-fi with an alien who flies as one of the main protagonists, but even the more far out stories tend to feel more 'grounded' than do most of the Dr. Who stories.

I'm not knocking Dr. Who, I have watched and enjoyed it in the past, and have watched some of the newer Doctors when they came to the states. I'm just saying that I'm surprised there are so many here who are admitted romantics who enjoy a show which I don't see as having much of a romantic component.

Tank (who will admit that he never cared for this last companion, and was never a big fan of this last Doctor either)