Happy 2009, everyone! May this year be the best you've ever had!

Our Golden Retriever/Labrador/some kind of mastiff (we think) doesn't like the bang-bangs either. He woke up my wife last night at about midnight and needed comfort. It's almost funny to see a panicked 100 lb. dog with his ears back in fear, until he's so scared that he pees on your bed because the kids down the street didn't keep their firecrackers down the street.

I like fireworks when they're handled by professionals in a public display. I don't like them when they're handled by little kids or immature adults who think it's funny to blow up rosebushes because they live in a state where fireworks are banned completely but they're visiting a relative who lives in a state which has no regulations on them other than "don't start any fires or put anyone else's eye out."

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing