Ann, I made the statements I did because I do agree with you about this guy. I don't know that he's guilty of anything except not being able to stay married, but all those ex-wives (one dead, one "missing") makes me wary of him - and it ought to make the prospective Mrs. Peterson #5 wary, too.
That's what I meant, too.

But then, a lot of women marry men who are in prison for violent crimes - some of whom are serving very long sentences - so I guess logic doesn't apply in affairs of the heart.
A point my colleague Arnost Rusek likes to make is that some women like criminal men because of their badness, so the fact that those men are in prison is attractive in itself. It proves that those guys have the reckless, brutal qualities that those women are looking for.

Why would it be good to be reckless and brutal? Arnost says that those qualities can be regarded as an expression of strength and power. Those men don't back down. They go for what they want, and it takes a lot to stop them.

Some women want to have sons who are like those men - sons who go for what they want and take what they want, and who don't back down. The women want that kind of sons because they hope that their sons will 'go for' a lot of women and impregnate a lot of women and give their mothers a lot of grandchildren - well, that is what Arnost tells me. Arnost also emphasizes that the women aren't consciously thinking in terms of grandchildren when they want sons who are 'strong'. But, he says, a whole lot of grandchildren is what it really boils down to.

Anyway, the best way of getting brutal and 'strong' sons is to have sex with brutal and strong men. And that, Arnost says, is why so many young women love brutal and criminal men.

(Similarly, men who are notoriously unfaithful and who have a lot of affairs and marriages in their past are attractive precisely because of that. Their successful womanizing proves that those men can attract a lot of women, so if a woman can have a son with such a man, the son may prove equally irresistible to other women.)

After Arnost said that to me, I have begun paying attention to these things. I have to admit that Arnost seems to be right about certain women, who do seem to adore the worst and most brutal kinds of men. What I personally find most depressing is women who love men who have been found guilty of murdering their former wives. I mean, goodness - these men have already killed one woman, and other (young) women are going gaga over them?????

Honestly, all of you FoLCs - is there anyone here who would be happy if their (young) daughter was engaged to be married to a man who had already been married four times, and one of his wives had been murdered and another wife had disappeared? Would you be happy? And wouldn't you wonder what on earth your daughter was thinking?
