Tim was the second or third Robin, I believe. So he could possibly take over as well, or continue to be Robin if Dick takes over.
Tim is the third one. wink

OK, lessee...

1- Dick Grayson was the first, original Robin. Batman fired him at one point, and then he became Nightwing, whom he still is at this time. Dick served as Batman for a very short time, when Bruce had his back broken by Bane, during Knightfall.

2- Jason Todd was the second Robin. After Bruce fired Dick, he found this kid who was trying to steal the tires off the Batmobile (idiot kid!) and he somehow decided to take him in and make him Robin. Fans apparently did not like Jason very much, because DC had a poll to decide what the fate of this character was to be and.... the final decision was to KILL HIM. Of course, he's come back to life since and... he turned bad, and then I forget because I don't like him much anyway.

3- Tim Drake, is the third and current Robin. He was Robin during Knightfall, meaning this kid has actually been the Robin to three different Batman (Bruce, Jean-Paul Valley, and Dick Grayson). I believe he's still currently underage (16 or so?), so I don't see how he'd be Batman.

My money would be on Dick - and I would SO have a stroke, I can promise you that - but then Canadian money isn't worth much anyway, right?

Oh, hey - a fun note... kinda. Dick, Jason, Tim and Bruce's parents -- all murdered. All of 'em. Weird, huh? :p

(And as for Alfred... dude! Alfred RULES.)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies