We walked in - one person in front of me in my check in line - my neighbors were the only ones in their line. I parked the stroller next to me and the three of us each took one of my DDs. They got stickers wink .

No waiting for a place at the table but it was crowded.

One line had one person in it when we left [A-K] and the other [L-Z] had about 6-7. We waited for people pulling out when we got there and had people waiting for us when we left. Parking lot only holds about 20-25 but still...

Two years ago my neighbors went about 5 and were numbers 350ish. I was 960ish at 430. Our area has grown but they're also expecting 75-80% turnout in our county - we had a visit by Palin a week and a half ago and Obama Sat [he spent the night] so they expect us to be close... Or our state is in a dead heat so every vote counts...
