Nicely put kmar. I'm not a fan of beauty pagents either I think they are outdated and entirely sexist and to exploit your child in that sort manner well, what I have to say is not for public consumption.

Going back to the shoes though, the little girl in the picture would probably only be about 8-9 months old. They can barely say the words high heels let alone be able to wear them.

I saw a segment about it today on morning TV my first thought was what kind of idiot parent would even think about getting those shoes? Okay so the heels are soft, but kid are developing and even as an adult I despise wearing heels.

Wearing heels is already bad enough for the feet and to get them for a toddler who can barely walk steadily is utterly stupid. The creator was saying that even if your child doesn't wear them they are a great gag gift. Honestly if I were to buy something for a friend with a baby I'd be buying a toy or knitting a blanket or something practical that would be of use.

Asking the child to channel her inner Carrie Bradshaw? First of all the show she was in is titled Sex and the City, so essentially what they are promoting is what the show promoted.

It's one thing to have your daughter play with a Barbie Doll (and I won't even fo into my opinion on them all I will say is that she's another one of the most sexist toys of all time), but turning her into one before she's even old enough to play with them? Well I'll leave you to formulate your own opinion on that question.

In a world full of sick people selling young girls off as sex slaves and looking at pornographic material on said subject do we really need stuff like this to encourage more of it?

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller