Well... *sigh* Wiki to the rescue.

Although the Terry Pratchett/Discworld Wiki does have a novel list , it isn't as informative as:

The Wikipedia bibliography chart , which not only has all the books by publication date, but also, among other things, marks off the categories (such as "City Watch" and "The Witches").

(That said, I suggest reading all the books. In publication order. For example, even though Small Gods has nothing to do with the city watch, the development of the religion described in the book comes into play centuries later in the form of a religious member of the watch. If you haven't read Small Gods, then you miss out on that. And, well... they're all more than worth the read.)

Curse you, Wikipedia, and your persistent usefulness in providing accurate and thorough reference for all things fannish. But I still don't trust you when it comes to real life. So there.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.