There were a couple of questions that really didn't have a good answer for me.
Yeah, me too. I have allergies; I don’t ever remember playing in the garden. I have one Ivy plant that somehow has mangaged to live for about 25 years (really). It must be really hardy because I've sure never babied it.

"You have a shy personality. You tend to hesitate before trying new things or meeting new people. But once people get to know you, you open up and show the world what you are really all about."
I’m a violet.

Here's one type of violet:
[Linked Image]

Hey, StarKat... The picture is lovely, but it’s a daffodil - not a daisy.

Shasta Daisies, Yellow Daisy, and Livingstone Daisies:

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

And while I'm at it...

One type of Canna, a Dutch Master Daffodil, and one type of Echinachea:

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Snapdragons, and a Kansas Sunflower (doesn't really begin to show it's size, though):
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

I love flowers and I hate it that I'm allergic to them. I hope I didn't miss anyone's flower!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~