As you know, I'm the founder of a fan group dedicated to superheroes. During the weekend of May 10-11th, FFS will be showcasing our inaugural issue at Emerald City ComicCon (ECCC). We'll also have an informational booth and due to unseen circumstances, I now have an extra weekend pass. I'm offering this on a first come, first serve basis and ALL I ask is that the person requesting free access to the convention, will help volunteer at a our table. And who may also lead to a more permanent staff position because we're always looking and we definitely appreciate any help.

The convention takes place at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, WA. Hours on Saturday are 10-6pm and Sunday 10-5. Here's the link to their website to learn more: ECCC

If interested, please email me at LoisLane9397 @ aim . com

Thanks! help