I think it's time to call in reinforcements. Okay so my uncle had open heart surgery around the same time my grandfather died last month. (yeah, it's been a hell of a year, unfortunately.) The doctors just found a really bad case of heart disease last month with no warning. He almost didn't make it, but he finally got to go home, and now a few weeks later, he's back in the ICU and doing poorly enough to start getting phone calls about it. If you have any thoughts or prayers to send our way, I guess now's the time to ask. Frankly, I'm ready for 2008 to be over, and I'm a freaking wreck today, and I really just needed to stay to someone that I'm a freaking wreck since anyone I'd call is still at work. And know that I appreciate all your thoughts so very much.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy