I was much amused to see three very well written and very plausible front-cover articles coming off the presses last night for two different regional papers, one of which detailed the underground spring suddenly welling up in the basement of an almost completed, $79 million dollar convention complex. The article ended with local engineers mentioning various ways to correct the situation and one of them mentioned a moat but then added, "You'd have to be an april's fool to even consider that one." wink

The other really good one detailed a long hidden underground bunker discovered by hikers over the past weekend (complete with ground level pictures) and the mention of human remains of six men wearing WWII Japanese naval uniforms being found in one of the underground chambers-it's ALMOST plausible since we did have a couple of mini-subs wrecked on the coast here but then you opened the paper up to page 3 to read the rest of the article and a huge "APRIL FOOLS!" banner was there to greet you!

Sadly, the local paper didn't get the chance to do any leg-pulling since the lead articles concerned two local deaths over the past couple of days. frown

One young friend at work who had promised to "get me good" when the clock had struck 12 am last night ended up hurting his knee so badly that I had to give him a lift home at 9pm...he seemed more sad over loosing the chance to play an April Fools joke on me than he did over the sore knee! laugh I was offered a new job in town here last week so I'd put my notice in at the current job last Friday, we've been having such fun bugging each other back and forth the past while and he says he's going to be sorry to see me go!

Femme fatale with a hopelessly romantic heart!