I keep away from all news... except the weather channel.

News is either discouraging (war, catastrophies, etc) or they'll report about celebs like it's a very important thing and gloss over the things that have some actual impact on real people.

Or, worse, news-reports are filled with silly things that are elevated to very important status when in fact there really isn't anything newsworthy about it and it's not worth more than two lines at the bottom of a newspaper page, if at all.

Example: when I was doing my internship, as a reporter for a TV station, I was asked to interview the parents of a young kid who had been mauled by a pit-bull -- I refused. This isn't news, it's sensationalism and there's not need to show images of a 5-year-old with bandages on her face while we ask her parents how it makes them feel...!!!! If you pass a law against people owning these dogs, then THAT would be news and then we could ask these people their opinion about it. BLAH!

I figure, if anything truly important happens, I'll hear about it from someone...

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies