It's quite possible that the American aircraft carrier USS Bismarck Sea isn't popular enough to be recognized today because it was sunk not even a year after it was launched - I for one didn't know of the ship but there was already enough World War 1 and 2 history of Europe to learn here in Europe wink

Add some inconsistencies in (maybe) not addressing the ship correctly ("Bismarck" vs "USS Bismarck Sea") and the fact that there were two German Bismarck-class battleships called "Bismarck" and "Tirpitz" .. and you've got plenty of confusion.

Both "Bismarck" and "Tirpitz" were German ships in the Atlantic Ocean (and Tirpitz later in the Norwegian Sea) and this should make the distinction fairly easy, because the American "USS Bismarck Sea" has always been in the Pacific Ocean and was sunk south of Japan.